Moving Blog? Why vuepress?

# Moving Blog?

Yes. I decided to move away from blogger. No, I do not want to say that blogger is bad. Blogger platform is excellent if you want just quickly setup with chosen theme, defined layout and features and start creating posts. I have been using blogger for quite a long time. See Vladislav Setchin @ blogspot (opens new window). There are several points that made me to create new blog site and it took me some time to come to this decision:

# 1. Version control for your site

Advantages of having your posts under version control is that you get a change history. I tend to update my posts with additional or changed content, like development tools I use or extensions for editors and browsers. Some times I want to see in the history of what was changed and find information I may have removed a while ago.

# 2. Statically generated pages.

One of main advantages of having static pages is better SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), faster speed, when there is no server-side processing pages rendered much faster.

# 3. Separation between development and production.

Currently site is under constant development and I am considering using two github repositories, one for development work with src files and deployment, the other repository only for hosting built static pages and hosted with github pages as a production deployment. Of course, I could get away with having one repository, the main consideration is the domain link. - production deployment - development and test

If I choose to use custom domain like (opens new window) then one repository will be enough. For a sake of not duplicating Internet content, which may affect site's SEO rating, option of having one repository looks better.

# 4. Flexibility of what and where you put on your site.

With blogger I always had a struggle to make things to look and position themself in a way I wanted. Of course, you may argue, I could go down the path of creating my own theme template for blogger. I decided to review static site generators similar to Jekyll and came across vuepress. I was using Vue JS for my projects and investing my time to learn vuepress looks more beneficial to me than going with any other platform.

# Vuepress. Why vuepress?

Here several points that made me to choose vuepress:

  1. Uses Vue JS framework
  2. Static site generator
  3. Flexible and extensible using plugins
  4. Easy to create your own template and make it look and work a way you like it.

# Site requirements

To start with vuepress using project bolerplate or handcraft the project starter by hand is very easy. I will not go in details in this post and am thinking to make it as separate publication. In the over hand, there are plenty resources that already cover the basics. I decided to use vuepress blog theme and vuepress blog extension as a base for my blog site.

Below is a list of requirements the site should implement:

  1. Responsive site layout with multiple pages and list of blog posts
  2. Bootstrap framework for styling
  3. Comments based on Disqus

# References
