In the time of information overload and rapid technological advancement, it is really hard to follow and try out all the interesting projects, articles and samples.
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Recently I worked on creating a web browser automation tool that needed to be hosted on Google Cloud Compute Engine. Currently, it is a .Net Core console app that uses the Puppeteer Sharp library to run a chrome headless browser. Compute Engine is a VM with Debian Linux OS with no graphical interface.
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I came across several requests asking what resources can be used to learn Algorithms and Data Structures. This topic teaches at formal Computer Science courses and may be presented in different languages. For those who want to learn in their own time and at their own pace see links below.
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In the time of information overload and rapid technology advancement it is really hard to follow and try out all the interesting projects, articles and samples.
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When working on the project, does not matter how big or small, having written unit tests, integration tests, it is like having safety net under you before walking the thin line of changing functionality. Code coverage reporting after running tests helps track how much of the production code is covered by tests.
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